C.R.E.A.M. Code

Code written to be read by humans, not just machines

Security by design. Thorough corner case analysis.

Attention to saving milliseconds in load and response times. Systems designed to scale.

Easily extensible and plug and play by design. As your business requirements grow, the code can keep up.
Pursuing Perfection
We aim for perfection in every aspect of our work. We have coined the term "C.R.E.A.M. CODE" - Clean, Robust, Efficient And Modular Code - emphasizing our focus on code quality that reduces long term product maintenance and upgradation costs. Our work culture nurtures the principles of quality and work ethics in every team member that has allowed us to make many perfectionists clients happy.
What we offer
Pristine, cross browser friendly web apps leveraging state of the art HTML5/CSS3 features like local storage, canvas, svg, streaming, animations and more.
Whether you need an engaging UX or want to unleash the power of smartphone sensors, we can handle it.
Robust, secure and scalable solutions to manage enterprise apps with advanced business logic or any amount of big data.
From interactive data analysis with appealing presentation to editable 2D and 3D models powered by complex geometric algorithms - we are your one stop visualisation solution.
Comprehensive design process with iterative client feedback cycles, delivering an end user experience that wows.
Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Object Tracking and Recognition, Neural Networks, Big Data Analytics and custom algorithms - engage us to brainstorm solutions for your next gen product idea.
We love optimizing code for speed or memory. If you want to deliver the best possible experience technology can allow - get in touch with us.
Partner with us to get ahead in the Augmented Reality race. AR powered brochures, banners, standees and games are some of the ideas we have converted to reality.
Whether you want to develop immersive content, need a custom virtual reality UX, or build the next generation game - we can help you.
Recent Work
Trusted Worldwide
We have delivered solutions for many esteemed organizations and clients like:

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